Sunday, 16 October 2011

Listography: Top 5 Keyword Searches on your Blog

I jumped on Kate's listography this week because I, so far, haven't ever checked these stats out on my blog. Well, let's face it, my blog hasn't been around for very long so I wasn't expecting much. There were only six, so here are five of them, from boring to completely unexplainable.

1. 'Vanilla ice cream' lead them to a previous Listography on, you guessed it, ice cream.

2. 'Scherri-lee Biggs' dress' was a Frock It!

3. 'Scherri-lee Biggs see through dress Miss Universe' was another Frock It!

4. 'Skinny suitcase' made me beam with pride because a) it was my very first post; and b) when I typed it into Google, it was listed first! I don't know what, in particular, the person was looking for. It couldn't have been as wild as the next keyword.

5. Get ready for it. 'Amateur red bra black stockings.' What the f...?????????????? I don't know which post they were directed to because when I typed it into Google, all I got were pages and pages of porn sites. Whatever post they did get, they would have been grossly, and I mean grossly disappointed. How on earth did my sweet, innocent, intelligent, interesting, worldly, pretty blog (come on, it is) get into that crowd? I am shocked. Appalled and shocked. Shame on you Google.

What company does your blog keep in the Google search engine? Has Google thrown your blog into an unfavourable crowd?


  1. Ha at number 5! :-) Funny how some searches can be completely mind boggling random!

  2. I love number 5! I thought number 1 was just 'Vanilla Ice'. he still kickin'?

  3. Looks like it was this post -- although I'm not sure why. I used your search phrase and "hand of a jeanie" and it's the only thing that appeared. Embrace random insanity, it beats systematic insanity any day ;)

  4. haha I love that google throws random searches and brings up peoples blogs sometimes :)

  5. Love reading all these v bizarre key words - being new to listography and most of these blogs, some of them confuse me totally!

  6. Aw I was thinking you were going to be the first list where it all made sense! I have a couple of dodgy ones that I googled myself and am SHOCKED to be associated with it!!!!!!!! Ha ha ha ha !!

  7. I think Amateur red bra black stockings is the best one. How very random- I wonder what they were looking for?!

  8. Love it! And I'm sure Mid30Slife will be very proud with your Frock it entries :)

  9. Kate is right - I am so darn proud. **Wipes tear of happiness from eye**

  10. Don't give up on the Frock It! Be proud. Darn, darn, darn proud.

  11. I did have to have a little giggle at number 5. ;)


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